February 16, 2010

Carnival is winding down, although I can hear the bass pounding on distant Via España in the Panamá city. I had a fun afternoon of Penonomé Carnival and then into the city to help Isaac and Andi finish all the prep work for the 2010 Youth Conference. It is happening! Thanks to any of you who donated, we had brief moments of panic thinking that it might not happen, but the funds were raised! Tomorrow 50 kids from all over the country will be braving the traffic nightmare after fat Tuesday to head to the city.

Isaac and I finally took some time to visit our towns people in Chumungu where they plant onions in the summer months. For 15 years, many of the locals have packed up there entire families to work for three months.They get up at 4:30 to cook rice and chicken and start work at 7:00. The wind blows had enough so that you can't feel the intense sun and the mosquitoes don't have time to land for a meal. We are going to try and make it back for the harvest to help for a day or two.

We had a really successful rice harvest from our rice tanks. Increasing our harvest from 1 bucket to 3-5 gallon buckets. It is enough rice to keep my hands good and callused beating the rice hulls off and our bellies full with rice and its favorite summer time accompaniment guandu.

Not much better to do in summer time. Start the day and end the day with a trip to the water hole.